Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Author day thanks

Thank you to everyone who called in to our Author Day - and my humble apologies for the technical hassles during my hour! When yahoo stopped us reading messages from the website it created problems for me, as my email was coming in slowly, out of order, and/or not at all - and our modem kept dropping out (would you believe, messages were still coming into my gmail account 11 hours later??? No wonder I couldn't follow anything!!)

Huge thanks to Gerrie and Donica for stepping into the breach and helping out - I really appreciated it!

And congratulations to the winners of the sets of photographs - I'll put those into the mail (carefully protected with thick cardboard) in the next day or so, and will send them airmail.


Jenne said...

Hi Bron!

I got my first taste of your talent today, reading back-messages of the Author day. I'm so glad I took the time to catch up!

Gritty is definitely a good term for your writing. I really enjoyed what I read of those two stories! Are these the two that are awaiting publication in New York? I hope so, I would really like to read more about the characters. I especially like Callie, I think because she's not at all a typical heroine... it's refreshing.

Congratulations on a successful Author day!


Jenne said...

I almost forgot -- and I hope you'll take this as a compliment, then again, maybe you won't even know who I'm talking about -- Gil reminds me a lot of "Sawyer" from ABC's Lost. I'm sure you came up with Gil long before "Sawyer" and Lost made their debut. Anyway... I'm a Lost junkie, and I like "Sawyer" a lot. Now I just have to hear Gil's lines with the Aussie accent instead of Sawyer's Southern US drawl. :)


Bronwyn Parry said...

Hi Jenne,
Thanks for your kind words about my work! The full manuscript of 'Falling into Darkness' has been requested; 'Dark Legacy' is the loosely-linked sequel to that, so we'll have to wait and see what happens to FID and whether the published decides that they want it!

Interesting about Gil - I haven't seen any of 'Lost' so I'm not familiar with Sawyer; and yes, Gil's been around in my mind for a couple of years. But if Sawyer's like him maybe I'll have to tune into Lost - 'cos I confess I rather like Gil, so I'm sure I'll like Sawyer!!

Gil is a very different hero to Calli's Elliot, just as Calli and Kris are quite different from each other - definitely individuals, although they're friends. I've been enjoying writing all four of them, although they've been a challenge, too. Calli is rather special, and probably one of the most challenging characters I've written so far. The issues that she's faced are not ones that can be dealt with lightly, or glossed over - so I've really had to delve deeply into myself, as well.

Thanks again for your comments! I hope that someday you'll be able to see the books on the shelves and read the rest of the stories.
